Sunday, January 02, 2011

Just asking

Located on the banks of the "rio del bano" is a very poor community, one of the poorest I have come to know. Houses are make shift at best, and in the midst of these shacks of old palettes, tin pieces and cardboard is a church. The church was built with "spare parts" accumulated and given by the community. Actually what made up the church building was better than the houses that surrounded it. This community decided long ago a place of worship was more important than improvement to their individual homes. A few weeks ago I was on a build where the team was building a new building for this community of believers. I was humbled by the overwhelming joy I saw when the building was complete. The building is nothing fancy, smaller actually than what they had.

But in a world of million dollar church buildings, I have to ask what is the discrepancy in contentment between us and them?

I have to ask:
Why do we go to church?

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